
智龙迷城车队阵型图制作工具 | Puzzle & Dragons Dash Formation Maker

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

智龙迷城车队阵型图制作工具 | Puzzle & Dragons Dash Formation Maker

  • 这个工具可以帮助你方便的制作和分享车队阵型或单人队形。
    This tool can help you easily create and share Dash Formation or Solo Formation.
  • 易用的编辑界面,手机上也可以轻松使用。
    Easy to use editing interface and use on your phone.

目前支持的语言 | Supported Languages

  1. 中文(简体)
  2. 中文(繁體)
  3. English
  4. 日本語 (by google translate)
  5. 한국어 (by google translate)

如何使用 | HOW TO USE

在哪里打开 | Where to open

小提示 | Tips

  • 直接复制网址即可分享组队。你可以使用短网址服务进一步缩短网址。
    Copy the URL directly to share the Formation. You can use any Short URL Service to further shorten the URL.
  • 使用后退即可撤销上一次修改
    Use back to undo the last edit
  • 点击编辑界面的怪物头像可以跳转到攻略网站
    Click on the monster avatar in the editing interface to jump to the Guide.
  • 可以在编辑界面的怪物ID输入怪物名称来搜索怪物
    You can search for monsters by entering the monster name in the monster ID of the editing interface.
  • 车队模式只显示部分杀潜觉以及共用的觉醒的统计,单人则全部显示。
    2-Player Multi Games Mode only show the killer latent and several common awoken statistics, but solo mode shows all.


How to Pull requests

  1. Click Fork In the page top right corner. Fork your own copy of this repository to your account.
  2. Use Git to clone/pull repository locally for modification (How to modify please see below).
  3. Use Git to commit and push changes to your repository on GitHub.
  4. Go to the Pull requests page in the top middle of this repository, and click the New pull request button.
  5. Click the Compare Across Forks button and select your fork, the page then displays the changes.
  6. Click the Create pull request button and enter the details of the modification, create your pull request.


  1. Go to the languages folder
  2. Push your language info into language-list.js.
    This is an Object for a language list item.
    • name is the name shown in the list.
    • i18n is the language-tag for your language.
    • searchlist is the search candidate list string order when you search monster in edit window.
      Currently only ja,en,ko,cht,chs languages.(See monsters-info)
    • guideURL is the game guide URL for your language, $1 means monster ID.
  3. Create your language's Localisation file i18n.css and i18n.js.
    Please refer to existing files.

智龙迷城官网 | Puzzle & Dragons Official Website