
Design of OpenMP-based PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Design of OpenMP-based PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

Comparing with Ordered approach

Unordered PageRank is the standard approach of PageRank computation (as described in the original paper by Larry Page et al. (1)), where two different rank vectors are maintained; one representing the current ranks of vertices, and the other representing the previous ranks. On the other hand, ordered PageRank uses a single rank vector, representing the current ranks of vertices (2). This is similar to barrierless non-blocking implementations of the PageRank algorithm by Hemalatha Eedi et al. (3). As ranks are updated in the same vector (with each iteration), the order in which vertices are processed affects the final result (hence the adjective ordered). However, as PageRank is an iteratively converging algorithm, results obtained with either approach are mostly the same.

In this experiment (approach-ordered), we compare the performance of ordered and unordered OpenMP-based PageRank (and compare it alongside ordered and unordered sequential PageRank). A schedule of dynamic, 2048 is used for OpenMP-based PageRank as obtained in (4). We use the follwing PageRank parameters: damping factor α = 0.85, tolerance τ = 10^-6, and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the current and the previous iteration is obtained with L1-norm, and is used to detect convergence. Dead ends in the graph are handled by always teleporting any vertex in the graph at random (teleport approach (5)). Error in ranks obtained for each approach is measured relative to the unordered sequential approach using L1-norm.

From the results, we observe that the ordered OpenMP-based approach is somewhat faster than the unordered approach in terms of time, and follows a trend similar to that of sequential PageRank. However, the ordered approach (both OpenMP-based and sequential) converges in significantly fewer iterations than the unordered approach. This indicates that the ordered approach could have been quite a bit faster, but is not, because of some overhead (possibly cache coherence overhead due to parallel read-write access to the same vector). In any case, ordered PageRank is indeed faster than unordered Pagerank.

Adjusting Tolerance (Ordered approach)

In this experiment (adjust-tolerance-ordered), we perform OpenMP-based ordered PageRank while adjusting the tolerance τ from 10^-1 to 10^-14 with three different tolerance functions: L1-norm, L2-norm, and L∞-norm. We also compare it with unordered PageRank (both OpenMP-based and sequential) for the same tolerance and tolerance function. We use a damping factor of α = 0.85 and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the approaches is calculated with L1-norm. The sequential unordered approach is considered to be the gold standard (wrt to which error is measured). Dead ends in the graph are handled by always teleporting any vertex in the graph at random (teleport approach [(4)]). The teleport contribution to all vertices is calculated once (for all vertices) at the begining of each iteration.

From the results, we observe that OpenMP-based ordered PageRank only converges faster than the unordered approach below a tolerance of τ = 10^-6. This may be due to cache coherence overhead associated with the ordered approach, which can exceed the benefit provided by ordered approach with loose tolerance values. In terms of the number of iterations, we interestingly observe that iterations of OpenMP-based unordered/ordered approaches are higher than with sequential approaches. We currently do not have an explanation for this.

Adjusting OpenMP schedule

In this experiment (adjust-schedule), we compare performance obtained for OpenMP-based PageRank for various schedules. Each thread is assigned a certain number of vertices to process. The schedule kind is adjusted among static / dynamic / guided / auto, and the chunk size is adjusted from 1 to 65536. We do this for the rank computation step. PageRank factors, contributions, and teleport contribution computation is calculated with suitable OpenMP schedule (auto). We use the follwing PageRank parameters: damping factor α = 0.85, tolerance τ = 10^-6, and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the current and the previous iteration is obtained with L1-norm, and is used to detect convergence.

From the results, we observe that a dynamic schedule with a chunk size of 2048 appears to perform the best. This however may change based on the size of graphs in the dataset, or the system used. In such cases auto schedule may be used as a fallback. We also observe that the difference in ranks obtained from sequential and OpenMP-based approach is relatively high (< 10^-3) on large directed graphs. This may be due to the fact that parallel reduce performed for teleport contibution calculation differs from sequential reduce due to inaccuracies associated with 32-bit floating point format (float), and can be avoided by using 64-bit floating point format (double).

Comparision with Hybrid approach

This experiment (approach-hybrid) was for comparing the performance between finding pagerank using uniform OpenMP (all routines use OpenMP), or using hybrid OpenMP (some routines are sequential). Both techniques were attempted on different types of graphs, running each technique 5 times per graph to get a good time measure. Number of threads for this experiment (using OMP_NUM_THREADS) was varied from 2 to 48.

It appears that hybrid approach performs worse in most cases, and only slightly better than uniform approach in a few cases. I am not sure why that is the case, possibly there could be some correlation between execution time and some other parameter. Note that neither approach makes use of SIMD instructions which are available on all modern hardware.

Comparision with Sequential implementation

This experiment (compare-sequential) was for comparing the performance between finding pagerank using a single thread (sequential), or finding pagerank accelerated using OpenMP. Both techniques were attempted on different types of graphs, running each technique 5 times per graph to get a good time measure. Number of threads for this experiment (using OMP_NUM_THREADS) was varied from 2 to 48.

OpenMP does seem to provide a clear benefit for most graphs (except for the smallest ones). This speedup is definitely not directly proportional to the number of threads, as one would normally expect (Amdahl's law). Note that there is still room for improvement with OpenMP by using sequential versions of certain routines instead of OpenMP versions because not all calculations benefit from multiple threads (ex. vector-multiplication-openmp). Also note that neither approach makes use of SIMD instructions which are available on all modern hardware.
