
Game of Raccoon verses Box monsters, all with the power of trash (GGJ 2016)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Game of a Raccoon against Box monsters with the power of trash (GGJ 2016)

1 player 3D isometric arena arcade game. All elements are on a single ground plane.

Player protagnist is a racoon which collects trash from garbage receptables and the remains of slain box monster enemies.

Trash is collected and converted via magic ritual to obtain (random?) power upgrades (abilities, boosts, weapons).

Ideas for Controls (in order of feasibility):

  • WASD + mouse reticle pointer
  • Duel stick + button


  • For improved Unity YAML format file merging during conflicts, it is necessary to set an environment variable called UNITY_HOME to the path to which Unity was installed. This project's local .gitconfig file is set up to use Unity's UnityYAMLMerge utility to handle file merging, particularly files which use its YAML format (Scene and Meta files).