
Process scheduler

Primary LanguagePython


Do you need to run a huge number of batch jobs on a single machine? Are you frustrated with manually launching processes in a screen(1)? Are cluster computing software such as SLURM and QSUB overkill for you?

If yes, then Conjob may be what you are looking for:

  • Run batch jobs in the background on a single machine.
  • Capture and log output.
  • Limit number of running processes by machine load and available memory.
  • Submit jobs in batches.
  • Job priorities, process control, suspension, etc.


conjob [options] COMMAND [...]

Process job controller, letting a limited number of jobs run at the same

  list                List scheduled PIDs
  schedule [COUNT]    Perfom scheduling, starting/stopping processes
  setprio JIDS PRIO   Set a priority for a PID
  run CMD             Run a command and put the process in the queue
  bg CMD              Run a command in the background and insert to queue
                      Redirect the output to a file in ~/.conjob.log/
  bg_many < CMDS      Queue many commands at once; one per line
  kill JIDS           Kill jobs
  tail JIDS           Tail -f logfiles
  less JIDS           Page through logfiles
  cleanup JIDS        Remove completed jobs from the job list
  requeue JIDS        Kill and re-queue given jobs
  dump_jobs [FILE]    Dump a job listing to FILE or stdout
  load_jobs [FILE]    Load a job listing from FILE or stdin

  'JIDS' can be a comma separated list of JIDs, or a shell glob pattern.
  The syntax '{MIN-MAX}' matches all integers from MIN to MAX.
  Prepending '/' to the pattern makes it match also completed jobs,
  '@' the command lines, '%' the PIDs.


Configuration goes into ~/.conjob:

# Max number of simultaneous processes
nprocs = 8
# Max load average
loadavg = 8.0
# Nice of processes
nice = 20
# Maximum amount of memory to hog
max_mem_percentage = 75
# Minimum free virtual memory (avoid swapping)
min_vm_free = 3e9
# Pager
pager = less -S +k