
Atomic data manipulation and traversal

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Admiring the grand structure of the Complex, I wandered ahead, mindless of any particular goal. Engineering at this scale was in a league of its own, and worth taking time to appreciate. Even more impressive, however, was the intelligence that sat behind the scenes, subtly influencing the guests – and me – to optimize uncountable factors.

It was impossible to get truly lost in the Complex, as only the thought of a specific location triggered automated responses intended to guide you there. A subtle shift in lighting here, a minor increase in air pressure just behind you, and a thousand other changes too small to notice would ensure that you arrived there. The experience was uncanny: on even my first visit I "knew" exactly how to get anywhere, but I couldn't have verbalized it if I'd tried. Not that I had any reason to try, since every other visitor had the same "sense" of direction.

Even after living here for three years, I was still amazed by the Complex. The technical skill, the fine tuning, and the ambitious scale all culminated in one of the most sophisticated places on Earth, and the seeming simplicity of it all made me smile every time I thought about it. I thought briefly about taking my stroll through the arboretum, and felt the world around me re-orient as the Complex carved out a path, and gently Pointed me in the right direction.

Pointed implements an intra-graph reference mechanism, similar to a functional zipper. This library aims to be as lightweight and comprehensible as possible, while still maintaining useful performance and compatibility profiles.

Put another way, Pointed is a tool for creating navigational maps through a data structure. These maps (or Pointers) make it easy access, update, and monitor changes to the data structure, making it well suited for scoping responsibility and for use in declarative UI toolkits, like React.

  Pointer = require 'pointed'

  data = { nested: { data: 'structure' } }
  ptr = Pointer(data)

  subptr = ptr.get('nested', 'data')
  subptr.value()  # => 'structure'

  subptr = ptr.update (val) -> val.slice(0, 3)
  subptr.value()  # => 'str'
  ptr.value()  # => { nested: { data: 'str' } }



Returns a new Pointer instance for the root of the given data structure.


Returns a new Pointer instance for an element of the data structure represented by the pointer.


Returns the underlying value for an element of the data structure represented by the pointer.

Pointer::update((oldData) -> newData)

Updates the data underlying the pointer based on the value returned by the given function. This will emit a "swap" event on this pointer and all pointers that contain this one.

Pointer::map((ptr, key) -> obj)

Iterates over the underlying array (or object), generating pointers for each element, and passes each pointer and the index (or key) to the given function. The values returned by the function will be collected and returned as an array.


Checks to see if this pointer and the given pointer both refer to the same path and referenced equivalent data when they were created.

Note that two pointers that share the same underlying data and have the same path will always return identical results, permitting pointers to be both "long-lived" and always reflect current data. It is for this reason that "Pointer equality" takes creation time into account – path equality alone does not answer the most common question, "Has this data changed?"


A digest of the data represented by this hash. Useful as a generic content key, and for quickly testing data equality.


Pointer::on(event, fn)

Adds a callback function for the named event to the pointer.

Pointer::off(event, fn)

Removes a callback function for the named event to the pointer.

Pointer::emit(event, args...)

Fires the named event for this pointer and other pointers to the same data, passing the given arguments to the callback functions.


  • Pointer#get will always return a Pointer (possibly to an unknown property).
  • Pointer#value will return undefined if the pointer cannot be resolved.
  • Two pointers representing the same absolute path will return the same object.
  • Pointer#update will not change object references if the data is unchanged.
    • Similarly, Pointer#update will not fire events if the data is unchanged.

Notable Behavior

  • Data that cannot be serialized to JSON is not currently supported.

  • Events are always fired on a "fresh" pointer instance. This makes it easy to compare "stale" pointers against a more current state.

  • Pointer#update will not fire a 'swap' event for pointers to keys beneath it. If this is behavior you need, it's recommended that you make smaller changes to more deeply nested pointers.

    P = Pointer({ a: { b: 1 } })
    A = P.get('a')
    AB = P.get('a', 'b')
    # This call will fire events on `P` and `A`, but not `AB`.
    A.update (obj) ->
      obj.b += 10
      return obj
    # This call will fire events on `P`, `A`, and `AB`.
    AB.update (value) -> value + 10

Undefined Behavior

  • Directly modifying the underlying data structure is not encouraged.
    • Use Pointer#update to make changes instead.


  • History
    • undo, redo
  • shouldComponentUpdate Helpers
  • Better Object cloning