This is the firmware for the graphics sub-system of a homemade computer. The said system is built around an 8bit microcontroller (ATMEGA644) and produces a VGA signal at the industry standard 640x480@60Hz. However, the images produced by this GPU have a much lower resolution (256x240). The color depth is 8bits which gives a total of 256 colors. The firmware provides a basic API for some simple tasks, such as clearing the screen, setting the background/foreground color and printing characters etc. The file 3.font.asm contains a retro, fixed width font (the only font the homemade computer can use), while the file 3.logo.asm contains the image data of a simple logo. The contents of the second file were created with a little help from a python script ( This piece of software, as well as the whole computer, was built as a project for deltaHacker magazine.
In order to use this piece of software in any meaningful way, you have to built the relevant hardware. If you have already decided to built the homemade computer and came here for the GPU firmware, you just have to download "vga-fw.hex". This the only file you need, unless you want to hack the firmware. In the later case, you'll need the assembler avrasm2.exe, that is part of Atmel Studio. If you're working under Linux, you can use a compatible assembler like avra.