
A slim, short and clean example of SpringBoot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A small application with Spring Boot

#What it does It has a StickyController java class mapping the http://localhost:8080 path to the page /resources/ folder

What the example covers is:

  • how to list of all contents of a list in an HTML table via Thymeleaf
  • how to add and delete elements via the web (also how to use a form for the addition)
  • a very clean and to-the-point architecture of how we handle the combination of SpringApplication, Controllers, Services, Repositories and Models to this end
  • a primitive demonstration of parameter passing and the rolw of Thymeleaf
  • a very primitive demo of Bootstrap 5 for the adornment of the web pages

#How to run

  • Maven build with goal spring-boot:run to just run it from inside eclipse
  • Maven build with goal clean package and then run the .jar produced
  • Anyway, goto http://localhost:8080 and work with the application

#How to clean up the apache tomcat Solution: Open dos prompt to kill the process holding 8080

C:\Users\pvassil>netstat -ano | findstr :8080
  TCP               LISTENING       13304
  TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING       13304

C:\Users\pvassil>taskkill /pid 13304 /f
SUCCESS: The process with PID 13304 has been terminated.

See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12737293/how-do-i-resolve-the-java-net-bindexception-address-already-in-use-jvm-bind

How to fix the error sign at Eclipse

Right click on the project -> Maven -> Update project