
Demo (hello world) of website to circleci, codeship and other CI tools

Primary LanguageHTML


Demo of website to Codeship and CircleCI

The HTML is checked for correctness.

CircleCI: Deploying on demo2.d1g.nl http://demo2.d1g.nl.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com

If you want to use your own bucket, you need to specify so in .circlei/config.yml and create an AWS IAM User with the policy mentioned in policy.txt (and give CircleCI its API keys).

Codeship: S3 Bucket:Demo.d1g.nl http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/demo.d1g.nl/index.html

Buildstatus on CircleCI: CircleCI

Buildstatus on Codeship: Codeship Status for pve/websitedemo

Known Vulnerabilities