Jupyter notebooks for using the photovoltaic library.
The easiest way to view and run the notebooks is with Google Colab
Colab is free with a Google account. Login to a Google account and then click one of the links below. It should load and run.
Alternatively, insert tocolab just after github in the link so: https://github.com/pvedu/pvon/blob/master/solar_position.ipynb becomes: https://githubtocolab.com/pvedu/pvon/blob/master/solar_position.ipynb
Binder is slower to get started than colab but it loads everything and does not need an account. To use click on: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/pvedu/pvon/master The files are first loaded for viewing. A run-time environment automatically loads after 30 seconds.
If you are not familiar with github, click on the Code button, and then click on Download ZIP.
Downloading the files requires a python install. There's a gazillion ways to install python. I do the basics on Windows:
- install python https://www.python.org/downloads/
- pip install numpy
- pip install scipy
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install jupyter-lab
- pip install photovoltaic
Other options are with Anaconda etc.