WebAssembly port of Roaring Bitmaps for NodeJS. It is interoperable with other implementations via the Roaring format.
Roaring bitmaps are compressed bitmaps. They can be hundreds of times faster.
Implementation of all features is not complete. For a complete native implementation, much faster and easier to use than this package, you can use:
- roaring - NodeJS Roaring bitmaps as a native addon. https://github.com/SalvatorePreviti/roaring-node
- roaring-aws - NodeJS roaring bitmaps precompiled for AWS Lambda (Serverless compatible). https://github.com/SalvatorePreviti/roaring-node-aws
This project was born to use Roaring WASM in AWS Lambdas without the need to compile a node-gyp module. AWS Lambda supports node 8.10 and supports WASM.
npm install --save roaring-wasm
Try it live - https://npm.runkit.com/roaring-wasm
Code sample:
// npm install --save roaring-wasm
// create this file as demo.js
// type node demo.js or nodejs demo.js depending on your system
var roaring = require('roaring-wasm')
var bitmap1 = new roaring.RoaringBitmap32()
bitmap1.addMany([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100, 1000])
console.log('bitmap1.toSet():', bitmap1.toSet())
var bitmap2 = new roaring.RoaringBitmap32()
bitmap2.addMany([3, 4, 1000])
console.log('bitmap2.toSet():', bitmap1.toSet())
var bitmap3 = new roaring.RoaringBitmap32()
console.log('bitmap1.cardinality():', bitmap1.cardinality())
console.log('bitmap2.contains(3):', bitmap2.contains(3))
console.log('bitmap3.toArray():', bitmap3.toArray())
console.log('bitmap3.maximum():', bitmap3.maximum())
console.log('bitmap3.rank(100):', bitmap3.rank(100))
This package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/roaring-wasm
Source code and build tools for this package - https://github.com/SalvatorePreviti/roaring-wasm
Roaring Bitmaps - http://roaringbitmap.org/
Portable Roaring bitmaps in C - https://github.com/RoaringBitmap/CRoaring
emscripten - https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki
AWS Lambda - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-handler.html
This package is provided as open source software using Apache License.
CRoaring is provided as open source software using Apache License.
API documentation dist/README.md
This project requires emsdk installed and activated. See https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/getting_started/downloads.html.
On a *nix machine, run sh source .envrc
to initialize paths, nvm (if present) and emsdk.
To compile, run test and generate the documentation
git submodule update --init --recursive
npm start
Output will be generated in the dist
The build system was tried on MacOSX, is not tested/maintained for other system.