
This repo contains examples of creating Kong configurations against Kong Ingress Controller using K8s manifests

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This repo contains examples of creating Kong configurations against Kong Ingress Controller using K8s manifests

Set up an echo-server

1. Setup an echo-server application to demonstrate how to use the Kubernetes Ingress Controller:

kubectl apply -f https://bit.ly/echo-service

2. Create a Basic Proxy

kubectl apply -f 01-ingress.yml

This will apply the Ingress object to the Kubernetes API which will be intercepted by the Kong Ingress Controller and applied to Kong config.

Using plugins in Kong

3. Enable the rate limiting advanced plugin on a route

We first apply the KongPlugin CRD

kubectl apply -f 02-rate-limiting.yml

Then, apply it to an ingress (Route or Routes) by annotating the ingress

kubectl apply -f 03-ingress-plugin.yml

Note: Running the above command will apply the same ingress definition as 01-ingress.yml except that we have added the follow annotation to the ingress manifest

konghq.com/plugins: rate-limiting-advanced-example

If you login to Kong Manager and look for the route named default.demo.00 created from step 2, you should see the rate-limited-advanced plugin appear under Plugins