
This exercise will help you to have a better understanding of the correct structure of a web project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This exercise will help you to have a better understanding of the correct structure of a web project.


In this exercise you should separate the user interface from any kind of business logic. For this you can use separate modules that are connected using dependencies (import and export).

Take into consideration the following global rules for all components / features:

  • A separate branch should be created each time a new component or feature is implemented, and should only be merged into master using a Pull Request. Please add the Bootcamp Director to your repository so those PRs can be reviewed and merged. Branches should NOT be merged by the developer.
  • Each component should have it's one folder.
  • Each component should use the pug-loader to read the template and generate HTML.
  • Each component should be implemented using the mobile first approach.
  • Each component should be responsive using the following viewports:
    • Small: 320px - 639px
    • Medium: 640px - 1023px
    • Large: 1024px - ∞


Main Menu

This component should be present on every page since it is a global component that helps the user to navigate between different pages.

Data Structure

  "logo": {
    "img": "",
    "link": ""
  "links": [
      "label": "",
      "href": ""
      "label": "",
      "links": [
          "label": "",
          "href": ""

User Interactions

  • Hamburguer Icon (Small and Medium):
    • Clicking should display or hide the menu depending on the current state.
  • Main Logo:
    • Clicking the main logo should redirect the user to the provided URL.
  • Links:
    • Clicking a link should:
      • Follow the provided link, if the link doesn't have a second level of links.
      • Display the second level of links if they were provided.
    • Hovering on a link should change it's visible state.