
A cordova plugin for bluetooth printer for android platform, which support text, image and POS printing.

Supported Cordova Versions

  • cordova: >= 6
  • cordova-android: >= 6.4

Supports printing:

  • Text
  • POS Commands
  • Image Printing (Thanks to @CesarBalzer)
  • ToDo: Qrcode Printing (It can be achieved via image for now)
  • ToDo: Barcode Printing (It can be achieved via image for now)


# Using the Cordova CLI and NPM, run:
cordova plugin add

# Using Ionic run:
ionic cordova plugin add


A notification does have a set of configurable properties. Not all of them are supported across all platforms.

Method Description
BTPrinter.list(fnSuccess, fnError) Returns array of strings with available bluetooth devices names
BTPrinter.connect(fnSuccess, fnError, name) Connects to the device with the name specified (must be connected via bluetooth)
BTPrinter.disconnect(fnSuccess, fnError) Disconnects from the currently connected device
BTPrinter.printText(fnSuccess, fnError, string) Prints string text. You can use \n to break lines.
BTPrinter.printQRCode(fnSuccess, fnError, data) ToDo: Prints a QRCode with data as its encoded message
BTPrinter.printImage(fnSuccess, fnError, base64ImageString) Prints images with base64ImageString. You can print QRCodes && BarCodes this way
BTPrinter.printPOSCommandfn(Success, fnError, string) Executes PosCommand specified in string. See useful PosCommands below

Important notes:

  • You have to send a new line \n or feed command 0D in order to print the last line.
  • POS Command 1B 40 restarts all previously set settings via POS Commands.

Useful POS Commands

These are only some of the POS Commands you can use to customize your printing

Command Description Command Description
1B 40 Resets and initialize print 0D Feeds paper
1B 21 00 Normal size for text 1B 2D 00 Underline font off
1B 21 01 Small size for text 1B 2D 01 Underline font 1-dot ON
1B 21 10 Double height text 1B 2D 02 Underline font 2-dot ON
1B 21 20 Double width text 1B 21 20 Double width text
1B 21 30 Double width & height text 1B 21 30 Double width & height text
1B 45 00 Bold font OFF 1B 35 Italic font OFF
1B 45 01 Bold font ON 1B 34 Italic font ON
1B 61 00 Align Left 1B 4D 00 Font type A
1B 61 01 Align-Center 1B 4D 01 Font type B
1B 61 02 Align-Right 1B 4D 02 Font type C

International Charset

You can specify which charset to use when printing, see reference As this is the first setting when printing, you can use this PosCommand 1B 40 1B 52 **code** 1B 74 16

Code Charset Code Charset Code Charset
00 U.S.A. 06 Italy 12 Latin America
01 France 07 Spain I 13 Kirea
02 Germany 08 Japan 14 Slovenia / Croatia
03 U.K. 09 Norway 15 China
04 Denmark I 10 Denmark II 16 Vietnam
05 Sweden 11 Spain II 15 Arabia

Example Usage

If using Ionic with AngularJS, you can wrap plugin's function into promises like this:

function checkAvailable() {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		$window.BTPrinter.list(success => resolve(success), failure => reject(failure));

In my case I have done some functions to make it easy to format text:

function style(commands) {
	const ESCPOS = {
			BOTTOM: `1b 4F`, // Fix bottom size
			LEFT: `1B 6C`, // Fix left size
			RIGHT: `1B 51`, // Fix right size
			'size-normal': `1B 21 00`, // Normal text
			'size-small': `1B 21 01`, // Initialize small sized
			'size-2h': `1B 21 10`, // Double height text
			'size-2w': `1B 21 20`, // Double width text
			'size-2x': `1B 21 30`, // Double width & height text

			'underline-off': `1B 2D 00`, // Underline font OFF
			'underline-on': `1B 2D 01`, // Underline font 1-dot ON
			'underline-on-2x': `1B 2D 02`, // Underline font 2-dot ON
			'bold-off': `1B 45 00`, // Bold font OFF
			'bold-on': `1B 45 01`, // Bold font ON
			'italic-off': `1B 35`, // Italic font ON
			'italic-on': `1B 34`, // Italic font ON

			'font-a': `1B 4D 00`, // Font type A
			'font-b': `1B 4D 01`, // Font type B
			'font-c': `1B 4D 02`, // Font type C

			'align-left': `1B 61 00`, // Left justification
			'align-center': `1B 61 01`, // Centering
			'align-right': `1B 61 02`, // Right justification
	let POSCommand = `1B 40`; // Recibe ordenes POS
	//POSCommand += ` 1B 52 11 1B 74 02`;
	commands.split(` `).forEach(cmd => POSCommand += ESCPOS.TEXT_FORMAT[cmd] ? ` ${ESCPOS.TEXT_FORMAT[cmd]}` : ``);
	return printPOSCommand(POSCommand);

function setInternationalCharset(country) {
	const charsetCode = {
		'U.S.A.': `00`,
		'France': `01`,
		'Germany': `02`,
		'U.K.': `03`,
		'Denmark I': `04`,
		'Sweden': `05`,
		'Italy': `06`,
		'Spain I': `07`,
		'Japan': `08`,
		'Norway': `09`,
		'Denmark II': `10`,
		'Spain II': `11`,
		'Latin America': `12`,
		'Korea': `13`,
		'Slovenia / Croatia': `14`,
		'China': `15`,
		'Vietnam': `16`,
		'Arabia': `17`,
	let POSCommand = `1B 40 1B 52 ${charsetCode[country]} 1B 74 16`;
	return printPOSCommand(POSCommand);

And then you can easily print whatever like this:

function printTicket(organization) {
	return printerService.checkAvailable().then(printers => {
		return printerService.connect(printers[0]).then(() => {
			const title = `\n\n${}\n\n`;
			const lineSeparator = `==============================\n\n`;
			const endSpace = `\n\n\n\n`;
			return printerService.setInternationalCharset(`Spain II`)
				.then(() =>`align-center size-2h`))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(title))
				.then(() =>`size-normal align-center`))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(`${organization.address.street}\n`))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(`${organization.address.postcode} ${}\n`))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(`${organization.telephone}\n`))
				.then(() =>`align-left size-normal`))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(lineSeparator))
				.then(() =>`align-center`))
				.then(() => printerService.printImage(qrCodeService.generate(organization.webPage).toDataURL()))
				.then(() => printerService.printText(endSpace));
	}).catch(error => {
		// Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void[])' on a null object reference => Printer not connected
		// read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 => Printer is offline or have been used and didn't disconnect before.
		// invalidAction => Function called with BTPrinter does not exist.