
Simple application to control and fade LEDs with a PCA9685 device

Primary LanguageC


Basic CLI application for controlling LEDs over I2C on a Raspbery Pi or similar device connected to a PCA9685 device (Like the Adafruit PWM driver board) (Most testing is being done with a Pi Zero Wireless). Written in C and designed to be small, light and fast.

I use this along with ha-bridge (https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge) to easily control lighting with my Amazon Alexa device.


libPCA9685 by edlins See https://github.com/edlins/libPCA9685


mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install  (as root)


root@uniform /usr/local/src/fade9685/build [2]$ ./fade9685 -h
 fade9685 [options]
  -h    help, show this screen and quit
  -R    Reset the PCA9685
  -f    Frequency in Hz (24-1526)
  -d    Set Duty Cycle Instantly (0 - 100)
  -l    Fade to Luminosity (0 - 100)
  -s    Step (Larger value fades more quickly)
  -b    Bus number (default 1)
  -a    Address (Default 0x42)
  -c    Channel (0 - 15) Can be repeated for multiple channels or -1 for all
  -v    Show verbose outbut (0-5, 0 = NONE, 5 = DEBUG)
  -D    Enable libPCA9685 debugging


To reset the device and set frequency (in the examples, the device is at address 0x41 on bus 1):

./fade9685 -b 1 -a 0x41 -f 1000 -R

To set two outputs instantly to a specific duty cycle:

./fade9685 -b 1 -a 0x41 -c 0 -c 3 -d 50

To fade outputs to a certain luminosity level (0-100%): ** this might change in future revisions

./fade9685 -b 1 -a 0x41 -c 0 -c 3 -c 14 -c 15 -l 40

Fading to accurate amounts with a float is OK too:

./fade9685 -b 1 -a 0x41 -c 3 -l 0.6

To fade all outputs to a desired level use -c -1:

./fade9685 -b 1 -a 0x41 -c -1 -l 90

Note that when fading outputs you can control the fade rate with -s

-s 30 or so gives a nice rate with a Pi Zero W.