
A chat server that censors real time what you type based off of censorship in selected countries. This project is for ethics.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a project for demoing how censorship works in a variety of countries for ga tech cs 4001 class.

================ Environment setup

Install node + npm.

Then, checkout the project

git clone https://github.com/pviolette3/freedom-of-speech && cd freedom-of-speech

and install packages (once in cloned repo)

npm install

=========== Running App

To run locally, just

node app.js

The app binds to localhost:8080, which you can visit in the browser http://localhost:8080/

By default, the app does NOT hook up to mongo db. To activate the database backend, simply export the envirnment variable RUN_MONGO to anything except 'no'.

To change the port on which the app runs, set the PORT environment variable.

============= Running Tests

Unit tests are written with the mocha framework. To run, install mocha globally

npm install -g mocha

or add a local installation of mocha to the path. Mocha installs to '(freedom of speech dir)/node_modules/mocha/bin'

To run tests, start in the root of the repository and run

mocha -R spec

To have mocha automatically run the tests when a file changes, add -G and -w parameters

mocha -R spec -G -w