A .NET client for Finnhub API. It's written in F# and only supports .NET 5+ since it uses System.Text.JSON and the JSON HTTP extension from its standard library.
👷 At the moment only some APIs are supported (mainly the non-Premium ones, see here). There isn't any technical reason preventing the implementation of the other APIs, and I welcome contributions.
ℹ️ As an alternative to this library, you can also use a .NET client
automatically generated from the Finnhub OpenAPI specification
using the Microsoft.dotnet-openapi tool -- see the generated
dotnet add package Finnhub
See nuget.org.
open Finnhub
let client = Client "your-api-key"
client.Quote "AAPL"
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> printfn "%A"
[TODO: add C# example]
There are a few other Finnhub API clients for .NET, such as ThreeFourteen.FinnhubClient and FinnHub.NET. However, the existing clients have some issues (e.g. lack of API coverage, lack of documentation). Also, I'd rather have a simpler API wrapper without any external dependencies, so I decided to write this.