RNN architectures trained with Backpropagation and Reservoir Computing (RC) methods for forecasting high-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems.
- ananori99United States
- arashmh
- aschelinUniversity of Brasilia
- athon-millaneMelbourne, Australia
- bhan5426
- calladogt
- cibic89United Kingdom
- CurrenWongHoneywell ACS China
- dedekindsTsinghua University
- dfuluEdinburgh
- DuncDennis
- erbas
- Guo-Jia-xuan
- harshit-kapadiaMax Planck Institute DCTS
- jamestang23University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
- Jihhn
- lcl1527Central South University
- LiangYitiaoShanghai, China
- mustafakucuk0@latentmemories
- MVPR-GroupXian Wei
- OoOoOoWzj
- pvlachasETH Zurich @cselab
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- rmojgani
- Rubix982@securitiai
- SallyPFYPiesat
- shoelim
- thild
- timothynest
- victorcamargo-devUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
- yixinwu
- zhongruiwang
- zhuqunxiSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University
- ZiqiuZhou
- zongyi-li