
Enonic XP Snippets for VS Code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Visual Studio Marketplace Version Visual Studio Marketplace Installs Visual Studio Marketplace Rating GitHub Project Build


Enonic XP Snippets


About the Project

This project aims to expose a set of Snippets and shortcuts to creation of your functions, controllers and everything else to create your Enonic XP App.

Getting Started


To install an extension you can run the Command Pallete through the command Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P, type Install Extensions and press Enter. That done, you can search for Enonic and you will find the Enonic XP Snippets extension.

Supported languages

  • JavaScript (.js)

How to use?

When you install this Extension, XP development will be faster and funnier!

Create React Native Component


Bellow is the list with all available Snippets and their respective triggers. The means TAB.

Trigger Content
addAttachment → Adds an attachment to an existing content
create → This function creates a content
createWithHandler → This function tries to creates a content


Contributions are what makes the open source community a incredible place to learn, inspire and create. Any contribution you make will be very appreciated.

  1. Make a Fork
  2. Create a branch for your feature (git checkout -b feature/IncredibleFeature)
  3. Add your changes (git add .)
  4. Commit them (git commit -m 'Adding an incredible feature!)
  5. Do a push to the Branch (git push origin feature/IncredibleFeature)
  6. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under MIT License. Check LICENSE for more information.


PVMerlo - Github - pvmerlo@gmail.com.br