Sonaric AI Node Guide


Minimum System Requirements:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 CPU cores
  • 20 GB free disk space
  • 64-bit operating system


Explorer / Twitter / Discord

Ports Used:


Let's Update the System

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install curl git jq build-essential gcc unzip wget lz4 -y

Download the Necessary File and Give Permissions

wget && chmod +x && ./

After Installation, Open the Ports

ufw allow 22
ufw allow ssh

Check if Your Node is Successfully Set Up

sonaric node-info

Run the GUI

Open your local terminal (CMD)

Replace "user@your-vps-ip" with your own IP (e.g., root@123.456.789)

ssh -L -L -L -L user@your-vps-ip

After entering, input your server password to proceed.

(Open on the same device where you executed the previous command)

Click ⚙ icon, then export json file & save it on the safe place.!!

Backup Your Information on the Server

sonaric identity-export -o mysonaric.identity

Now Open the Local terminal(CMD) & Download the JSon file!

pscp user@your-vps-ip:/path/to/remote/file C:\path\to\local\directory

Save the mysonaric.identity file in a secure place. It is located in the root directory.


pscp root@123.456.789:/root/mysonaric.identity C:\Users\Airdrop_OG\Downloads\Sonaric_Keys_Backup

To update Sonaric to the latest version, simply use the package manager to update the Sonaric package. [optional]

apt update
apt upgrade sonaric

To View Your Points on the Server, Enter This Code

sonaric points

To Change the Name, Enter This Code and Then Write Your New Name

sonaric node-rename


Look up the name of the node that each node will have, and then check your score there. By the way, you can view your points using this link: http://localhost:44004/

That's a wrap!