Snippet Generator

The Snippet Generator is a development tool designed to simplify the process of creating snippets for Visual Studio Code (VSCode). By taking code snippets as input, it automatically converts them into snippet formats compatible with VSCode's built-in snippet functionality.

Key Features:

Code to Snippet Conversion: Quickly convert code snippets into VSCode-compatible snippet formats.
Saves Time: Eliminates the manual effort required to create and manage snippets, saving valuable development time.
Customization: Allows customization of snippet trigger words, descriptions, and placeholders for seamless integration with your development workflow.
Intuitive Interface: User-friendly interface for easy input of code snippets and generation of corresponding snippets for VSCode.


  1. Input your code snippet into the generator.
  2. Customize snippet trigger words, descriptions, and placeholders as needed.
  3. Generate the snippet in the desired format for use within VSCode and store in /.config/Code/User/snippets/js.code-snippets, for more information on vscode snippets click here .

Future Scopes

  • VS Code Extension: Convert into a vscode extension
