
Primary LanguagePowerShell

Powershell Profiles


PaS-Module Structure

    |- Functions\
    |   |- Get-User.ps1
    |   |- Get-WindowsBuild.ps1
    |   |- <FunctionFile>.ps1
    |- PaS-Module.psm1
    |- PaS-Module.psd1

A module is a .psm1 file. To Import it's usually: Import-Module .\PaS-Module.psm1 It's Best Practice to name .psd1 and .psm1 the same as the folder

If you do it like that, you can just use: Import-Module .\PaS-Module

If placed in one of the path's as defined in $env:PSModulePath you can simply do it like this: Import-Module PaS-Module


    ModuleVersion = '1.0'
    GUID = '55db66c7-37e0-4a80-9d41-7e5136282c2c'
    Author = 'Pascal Schoofs'
    Description = 'Useful Functions'
    PowerShellVersion = '7.x'
    FunctionsToExport = @('Get-User', 'Get-WindowsBuild')
    RootModule = 'PaS-Module.psm1'
    CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop')
    AliasesToExport = @()
    CmdletsToExport = @()
    VariablesToExport = @()
    PrivateData = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags = @('PowerShell', 'Module', 'Utilities')
            ReleaseNotes = 'Initial release as module'

Quote from Reddit regarding Functions and psm1 file

Personally I keep my function files separate, and I just loop through them with get-content and write to my PSM1 file, and update the manifest as necessary. That way I have a psm1 that's fully self-contained, and I can update function files individually. Otherwise it just seems like you're locked into the same version of everything for the life of your code.

You can add plenty of bells and whistles, but at its core, my process it just this:

get-childitem <functions directory> | get-content | set-content <module.ps1>

I iterate through the files to get function names, perform some syntax checks, and check the contents of the psm1 before and after to see if I need to increment the version number, but all that isn't necessary to just get started.


Install with:

  • Install-Module -Name "F7History"

Import with (Put it in $profile):

  • Import-Module -Name "F7History" -ArgumentList @{Key = "F7"; AllKey = "F8"}

F7 opens History of Session F8 opens complete History (including Timestamps)


Install with:

  • Install-Module microsoft.powershell.consoleguitools

Usage Example:

  • Get-Service | Out-ConsoleGridView

  • $SERVICES=Get-Service | Out-ConsoleGridView

This stores multiple items in a variable


  • Aufräumen
  • Schlafen
  • Nix tun
  • verschlafen