
CT Reconstruction Algorithms

Primary LanguageMatlab

This is the README File

This project contains the following files:
1) art.m - ART for solving equations
2) sart.m - SART update equations for finding solution of system of linear equations
3) back_projection.m - back projections algorithms script
4) Hamming.m - Hamming filter
5) Hann.m - Hann filter
6) ramp.m - ramp filter
7) shepp_logan.m - shepp logan filter
8) NWFBP.m - noise weighted filter
9) test.m - script to run the experiments.
10) report.pdf - report for this project
11) This README

Instructions to run the files:

1) To run Back Projection algorithms:

reconstructed_img = back_projection(sinogram,angle, f, 'bp')

sinogram - sinogram image
angle - if the angle 0-180 is divided in say x steps then angle = x:x:180
f - filter name [hann, hamming, shepp_logan, ramp, none, NWFBP]

2) To run ART and SART

reconstructed_img = back_projection(sinogram,angle, 'none', 'art') // for ART

reconstructed_img = back_projection(sinogram,angle, 'none', 'sart') // for SART

sinogram - sinogram image
angle - if the angle 0-180 is divided in say x steps then angle = x:x:180


[1] -  Respective Wikipedia pages to get the exact formula of the filters.