This folder contains the following:
- images : A directory containing sample images for testing
- block_filter.m - main MATLAB file that outputs the restored image
- check_img.m - A helper function
- similarity.m - Pearson Distance
- get_patch.m - To get a patch around pixel (x, y)
- get_patch_single.m - To get a 4 blocks around pixel (x, y)
- SNR.m - SNR metric for comparisons
- report.pdf - Report of observations
To run the code type "block_filter" in the MATLAB terminal. If you want to run it for your custom US image, enter the path of the image in Line 3 of block_filter.m.
Results and observations are mentioned in the report.
[1] : For NL Means filtering
[2] : Image DeSpeckle Toolbox for Kuan, Lee and Frost filters