
A python script that you can execute form terminal to directly download a paper that you want form arXiv

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python script that you can execute form terminal to directly download a paper that you want form arXiv


To install follow the steps:

  1. wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/87/03/0b6503d32ae1bb173c24f12430dd46ad46ee152fe149bcd0c62c9a7c17d6/arXiv_download-0.1.tar.gz
  2. tar -xvzf arXiv_download-0.1.tar.gz
  3. cd arXiv_download-0.1`
  4. python setup.py install`


There are multiple options that you can use.

  1. --query : To search for papers
  2. --get_info : To get information such as the authors, summary, published date etc. of a single paper
  3. -d : To download the paper.
  4. --max_results : How many results to display


  • arXiv --query="DeepLab" --max_results=10 - displays 10 results for the query
  • arXiv --query="DeepLab" --get_info=4- Displays the summary of the 4th option
  • arXiv --query="DeepLab" --get_info=4 -d - Downloads the paper