
Example of JWT validation with JWKS in OPA

Primary LanguageOpen Policy Agent


An example policy showing JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) based validation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) using the OPA Token Verification built-in functions .

For simplicity, this example uses JWKS and JWT values generated with the sample JWKS service at: https://jwks-service.appspot.com. You can substitute your own values as appropriate for your environment.


The organization of the policy rules and data will follow the OPA Bundle File Format

Get the JWKS

Retrive the JKWS from the sample service and save as data in the OPA bundle hierarchy as jwks/data.json

curl https://jwks-service.appspot.com/.well-known/jwks.json -o bundle/jwks/data.json

Generate a RS512 Token

You can generate a token via the web UI at https://jwks-service.appspot.com or via the following commands:

# As the service hosts multiple RSA keys, retrieve the first one:
export RSA_KEYID=$(curl https://jwks-service.appspot.com/keyids\?type\=rsa | jq -r '.ids[0]')

Create the payload for the token creation request

cat <<EOF > token_request_payload.json
  "keyid": "${RSA_KEYID}",
  "alg": "RS512",
  "expiry" : "300s",
  "notbefore" : "3s",
  "payloadclaims": {
    "aud": "opa-jwks-jwt-example",
    "iss": "jwks-service.appspot.com",
    "sub": "alice"

Generate the token

curl -X POST -H content-type:application/json \
  https://jwks-service.appspot.com/token \
  -d @token_request_payload.json > token.txt

Create the input.json for the OPA eval query

cat <<EOF > input.json
  "jwt": "$(cat token.txt)",

Exercise the Policy

The policy file bundle/rules/rules.rego contains example usage of built-in functions for JWT verification and decoding. Assuming the data.json and input.json files have been placed in the correct directories (per the above commands), you will be able to evaluate the policy rules and see valid results.

# Verify the Signature only
opa eval -b ./bundle -i input.json 'data.rules.verify_output'
# result will contain `true`

# Decode the JWT only
opa eval -b ./bundle -i input.json 'data.rules.decode_output'
# result will contain the decoded token as JSON

# Decode AND Verify
opa eval -b ./bundle -i input.json 'data.rules.decode_verify_output'
# result will contain `true` AND the decoded token as JSON