An example secure SLP deployment on Kubernetes


  • Deploy SLP with a secure configuration as a scalable StatefulSet
  • Deploy an App with an OPA sidecar that utilizes the SLP as a scalable Deployment


  • Minikube
  • Styra DAS - Custom System type


1. Start minikube

2. Create a Custom system in Styra DAS

3. Deploy the OPA config as a Secret for use by the SLP

Download the opa-conf.yaml from Settings > Install

Create Secret from the opa-conf.yaml

k create secret generic slp-config --from-file=slp.yaml=opa-conf.yaml

We rename the file to slp.yaml as this will be used by the SLP only (not OPA)

4. Deploy TLS Secret for SLP HTTPS

Create CA and Cert with certstrap. Alternatively you could use cert-manager to auto-generate the certs.

certstrap init --common-name "MyRootCA"
certstrap request-cert --domain "slp"
certstrap sign slp --CA MyRootCA
cat out/slp.crt out/MyRootCA.crt > out/slp-fullchain.crt

Create the Secret

k create secret tls slp-tls --cert=out/slp-fullchain.crt --key=out/slp.key

5. Deploy Styra Local Plane

Create a Token as a Secret for use in the SLP Authz policy

k create secret generic slp-authz-token --from-literal=token=12345-same-as-my-luggage

Deploy the SLP

k apply -f slp.yaml

6. Deploy App with OPA sidecar

Create Configmap for MyRootCA

k create configmap my-root-ca.crt --from-file=ca.crt=out/MyRootCA.crt
# **Replace the system-id value on line 11 of app-with-opa-sidecar.yaml with the id from your DAS system**
k apply -f app-with-opa-sidecar.yaml

7. Create and test the policy

Add a Policy in DAS for httpapi.authz with the following contents:

package httpapi.authz

# bob is alice's manager, and betty is charlie's.
subordinates := {"alice": [], "charlie": [], "bob": ["alice"], "betty": ["charlie"]}

main["allow"] := allow

default allow := false

# Allow users to get their own salaries.
allow {
    input.method == "GET"
    input.path == ["finance", "salary", input.user]

# Allow managers to get their subordinates' salaries.
allow {
    some username
    input.method == "GET"
    input.path = ["finance", "salary", username]
    subordinates[input.user][_] == username


# alice is allowed to view alice
curl --user alice:password $(minikube ip):30050/finance/salary/alice
# bob is allowed to view alice
curl --user bob:password $(minikube ip):30050/finance/salary/alice
# bos is NOT allowed to view charlie
curl --user bob:password $(minikube ip):30050/finance/salary/charlie