
Craft a rhombic triacontahedron in cardboard showing the ocean bathymetry

Primary LanguagePython

The rhombic triacontahedron

The goal of this project is to craft, with thick paper a rhombic triacontahedron, hereafter shorten to RT. And because we are doing oceanography, we want this RT to represent a meaningful quantity, for instance the ocean bathymetry.


With the M1 Students of the Marine Physics master's program!

What will we learn?

We'll learn about spherical geometry and projections. We'll improve our programming skills because we'll do that in Python.We will also improve the group work techniques because this is a collaborative project.

Spherical rotations

For spherical rotations, we have two options: i) the matrix route or the ii) the quaternions one. Guess which one we'll use ?

Don't know what the quaternions are ? They are like the complex numbers but with two additionnal imaginary numbers: so instead of 1 and i, there is 1, i, j and k. To get the connection with 3D rotations watch this video by the amazing Grant Sanderson, aka 3blue1brown.