"e3dc/set/interval" not considered
cwihne opened this issue · 2 comments
It seems that "e3dc/set/interval" is not considered, while the INTERVAL value of config file is taken into account on startup.
When starting rscp2mqtt, INTERVAL
setting in .config file sets the initial cadence of writing data to MQTT broker. When INTERVAL
is changed and rscp2mqtt got a restart, new frequency is applied.
README.md reports that the cadence can be changed by e.g. mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/interval" -m 2
, to change the interval. MQTT Explorer reflects the change in correct topic, but rscp2mqtt's update frequency doesn't change.
Commenting INTERVAL in config file results in default 1s cadence, but also here, newly published interval doesn't change this.
Btw.-1 "set/*" topics are not created by rscp2mqtt on startup, which might or might not be expected, e.g. to avoid feedback loops.:check:
Btw.-2 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t "e3dc/set/force" -m 1
does result in a full topics refresh (except e3dc/set/*) 👍
yes, it's a bug. I can reproduce it. Will be fixed by the next release.
fixed by v3.17 today