
[Feature Request] PVI idle mode

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Autumn is here, autarky level gets impacted. S10E has a feature enabled putting PVI into sleep mode when battery is empty and no PV input to expect, e.g. in early morning hours before sundawn. I was trying to find out about PVI idle status, didn't find such in data transmitted to MQTT so far. Yet, I see RSCP tags TAG_PVI_DEVICE_STATE, TAG_PVI_SYSTEM_MODE or TAG_PVI_POWER_MODE which sound promising.
I am monitoring those now by new raw queries. Maybe you have an idea which tag shows idle state of PVI and get it transmitted to MQTT?

Hi, I found the following tags in RscpTags.h that may be requesting the required state: TAG_PVI_REQ_STATE, TAG_PVI_REQ_SYSTEM_MODE.
I hope you will find the right one and can let us know in this issue!
Best regards Thomas

Here an intermediate result, still under surveillance:
TAG_PVI_REQ_POWER_MODE seems to represent PVI's power state ON (1) or OFF (0)
TAG_PVI_REQ_DEVICE_STATE creates sub-topics, most importantly TAG_PVI_DEVICE_CONNECTED (device available for service) and TAG_PVI_DEVICE_WORKING (device actively working).

Have to query specifically:

Overall E3DC system's own net power consumption for system operation is significantly influenced by PVI's activity.
I continue investigating the flags and consumption.
Btw. the RAW requests are not updated on forced update, they need a service restart to be re-sent.

yes, I get the following topics/payloads during discharging the battery this evening:

RAW topics will be send only for changed payloads, "force" doesn't change the behaviour for the RAW stuff... so that's like it was (badly) progammed :-)

Best regards