TLSR826x programmator via COM port
(!) Limitations: Only TLSR8266 and TLSR8269 Chip Used (modules JDY-10/M, E104-BT05, E104-BT10N/M, ...)
Flash programming for TLSR826x chips using only a COM port.
Usage: TlsrComProg [-h] [--port PORT] [--tact TACT] [--fldr FLDR]
[--baud BAUD]
{rf,we,wf,es,ea} ...
TLSR826x Floader version 25.02.20 (beta)
positional arguments:
{rf,we,wf,es,ea} Run TlsrComProg {command} -h for additional help
rf Read Flash to binary file
we Write file to Flash with sectors erases
wf Write file to Flash without sectors erases
es Erase Region (sectors) of Flash
ea Erase All Flash
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT, -p PORT Serial port device (default: COM1)
--tact TACT, -t TACT Time Activation ms (0-off, default: 600 ms)
--fldr FLDR, -f FLDR Filename floader (default: floader.bin)
--baud BAUD, -b BAUD UART Baud Rate (default: 230400)
Write Flash: python.exe -p COM3 -t 5000 we 0 8266_jdy_10.bin
TLSR826x Floader version 26.02.20
Open COM3, 230400 baud...
Reset module (RTS low)...
Activate (5000 ms)...
Load <floader.bin> to 0x8000...
Bin bytes writen: 1860
CPU go Start...
ChipID: 0x5325 (TLSR8266), Floader ver: 0.1
Flash JEDEC ID: 514013, Size: 512 kbytes
Inputfile: 8266_jdy_10.bin
Write Flash data 0x00000000 to 0x0000a984...
Read Flash: python.exe -p COM3 rf 0 0x80000 ff.bin
TLSR826x Floader version 26.02.20
Open COM3, 230400 baud...
Reset module (RTS low)...
Activate (600 ms)...
Load <floader.bin> to 0x8000...
Bin bytes writen: 1860
CPU go Start...
ChipID: 0x5325 (TLSR8266), Floader ver: 0.1
Flash JEDEC ID: 514013, Size: 512 kbytes
Read Flash from 0x000000 to 0x080000...
Outfile: ff.bin
Erase All Flash: python.exe -p COM3 ea
TLSR826x Floader version 26.02.20
Open COM3, 230400 baud...
Reset module (RTS low)...
Activate (600 ms)...
Load <floader.bin> to 0x8000...
Bin bytes writen: 1860
CPU go Start...
ChipID: 0x5325 (TLSR8266), Floader ver: 0.1
Flash JEDEC ID: 514013, Size: 512 kbytes
Erase All Flash ...