Configuration files for several programs I've been using. These work for me. Maybe they don't for you. But usually looking inside can be of use to get some inspiration.
I use GNU Stow to create the symlinks. See below for an explanation.
- Laptop: README
This is a useful article from Brandon Invergo. Check it out!
Each program dotfiles can be understood as a stow package, following this structure in this repo.
Each {package}
can be stowed or unstowed by simply using stow -d {system} package
stow -D -d {system} package
eg. to stow laptop vim's configuration
stow -d laptop/ vim
Note: Make sure that ~
is your parent directory (correct stow target). If not, specify target with
stow -t ~/ ...
Each package folder in addition expose the folder hierarchy expected
eg. vim's .vimrc
should be just inside your home folder ~
vim/ <--- package
.vimrc <--- this will go to ~/
eg. zathurarc must be inside .config/zathura/
zathura/ <--- package
.config/ <--| directory
zathura/ <--| .config/zathura
zathurarc <-- filename