
tiny-localstorage-db: Lightweight, efficient localStorage management. Features compression, batch operations, query language, usage statistics. Easy npm integration, open source

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight and flexible JavaScript library for managing a local database using the browser's localStorage. It provides functionalities like data compression, batch operations, usage statistics, and a simple query language for advanced data retrieval.


npm install tiny-localstorage-db


// Import the TinyLocalStorageDB class
const TinyLocalStorageDB = require('tiny-localstorage-db');

// Create a new instance of TinyLocalStorageDB
const db = new TinyLocalStorageDB();

// Set data
db.set('user1', { name: 'John', age: 30 });

// Get data
const userData = db.get('user1');
console.log(userData); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30 }

// Remove data

// Batch operations
const dataToSet = [
  { key: 'user1', value: { name: 'John', age: 30 } },
  { key: 'user2', value: { name: 'Jane', age: 25 } },

const keysToGet = ['user1', 'user2'];
const batchData = db.batchGet(keysToGet);

const keysToRemove = ['user1', 'user2'];

// Query Language
const queryConditions = [{ key: 'age', operator: 'gt', value: 25 }];
const queryResult = db.selectQuery(queryConditions);

// Usage Statistics

// Execute a query using timestamp conditions
const timestampQueryConditions = [
  { key: 'timestamp', operator: 'gt', value: '2023-01-01T00:00:00' },
const timestampQueryResult = db.selectQuery(timestampQueryConditions);

API Documentation

set(key, value, compress = true) Sets a key-value pair in the database.

key: The key for the data. value: The value to be stored. compress: Optional. If set to true (default), the data will be compressed before storage.

get(key, decompress = true) Retrieves the value associated with the given key from the database.

key: The key to look up. decompress: Optional. If set to true (default), the retrieved data will be decompressed.

remove(key) Removes the key-value pair associated with the given key from the database.

key: The key to remove.

batchSet(dataArray, compress = true) Sets multiple key-value pairs in the database using an array of objects.

dataArray: An array of objects, each containing a key and value. compress: Optional. If set to true (default), the data will be compressed before storage.

batchGet(keysArray, decompress = true) Retrieves values for multiple keys from the database.

keysArray: An array of keys to retrieve. decompress: Optional. If set to true (default), the retrieved data will be decompressed.

batchRemove(keysArray) Removes multiple key-value pairs from the database.

keysArray: An array of keys to remove.

selectQuery(conditions) Executes a SELECT query on the database using the Query Language.

conditions: An array of conditions for the query. Each condition is an object with key, operator, and value.

executeQuery(key, value) Deprecated. Use selectQuery for executing queries.

usageStatistics.getUsageCount(key) Gets the usage count for a specific key in the database.

key: The key to get the usage count for.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.