
CRUD Events

Primary LanguageRuby

Event CRUD

Over the course of the week, we will allow users to CRUD events:

Events have the following fields:

  • Date (date)
  • Location (string)
  • Description (text)
  • Capacity (integer)
  • Requires ID (boolean)

To make this work:

  • cd ~/workspace

  • git clone this repo

  • cd into the g4-crud-week4 directory

  • Run bundle

  • Run rake db:create

  • Create a TODO list somewhere (notes, evernote, text file, etc.) of what will be required to create events. (What order do we need to do the things to make this work? Migrations, controllers, forms, routes, etc. Try to create this list before starting)

  • As you finish each task, check off the item you've completed

  • Create an events index page that lists all events in a table.

  • Link to "New Event" that allows users to create events.

  • Don't worry about CSS and formatting.


NOTE: no need to include Twitter Bootstrap here.

  • gl, hf.