
My résumé/CV as React project with Gulp, Browserify, Mocha and ES6 via Babel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Paul Wagner's Resume

This project presents my resume - or any given resume in JSON Resume Schema format (https://jsonresume.org/) - with ReactJS, using Gulp, Babel, and Browserify to compile the ES6 code to a single ES5 bundle.


Getting started

  1. Clone the repo and run npm install
  2. Gulp should be installed globally (npm install -g gulp)
  3. Adapt src/resume.json according to your needs.
  4. Development mode: npm start or npm run dev
  5. Tests (mocha): npm test or npm run test:watch
  6. Build dist: npm run build

Private vs Public Resume

By default, the phone number and exact address will not be displayed in the Contact component. A hint is shown instead. If your résumé contains sensitive data that you don't want to publish to the whole world, you can create a resume.private.json file in src, which contains the full information, and delete the unwanted fields in resume.jon You can then develop and build the private resume based on resume.private.jon using the following commands:

  • npm run dev:private
  • npm run build:private


In order to provide more information, I had to extend the JSON Resume Schema with additional fields:

  • isPrivate (should be set to true in resume.private.json and false in the public resume.json)
  • basics.birthday
  • basics.children
  • basics.citizenship
  • basics.location.countryName
  • basics.quote.text
  • basics.quote.author
  • education[].educationType
  • education[].remark
  • publications[].keywords
  • publications[].isOffline


My public resume can be viewed at http://resume.appgarage.at.