
Logging interface in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status License: MIT Kotlin Maven Central

Logging interface in Kotlin.

This library provides access to the log-front Java library in a Kotlin idiomatic manner.


Quick Start

To instantiate a Logger for the current class, regardless of whether the call is made from within the class or its companion object:

    val log = getLogger()   // requires: import net.pwall.log.getLogger

To output a log "INFO"-level message:

        log.info { "message content" }

Because the lambda is evaluated only if logging is enabled for this logger and this level, complex substitutions may be used in the message with no loss of efficiency.

There are similar functions trace, debug, warn and error, and an additional version of error that takes a Throwable as the first parameter:

        log.error(exception) { "Something went wrong!" }

More Detail

The functionality of this library is largely documented with the Java library. There are a small number of additional functions, along with some different patterns of usage.

There are several top-level functions to acquire a Logger instance. These should be used in place of the functions of the Log class – they achieve the same result, but the return type of these functions is non-nullable, as opposed to the Java functions which are of indeterminate nullability.

  • getLogger()
  • getLogger(name: String)
  • getLogger(javaClass: Class<*>)
  • getLogger(kClass: KClass<*>)
  • getLogger(level: Level)
  • getLogger(name: String, level: Level)
  • getLogger(javaClass: Class<*>, level: Level)
  • getLogger(kClass: KClass<*>, level: Level)
  • getLogger(clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(name: String, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(javaClass: Class<*>, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(kClass: KClass<*>, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(level: Level, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(name: String, level: Level, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(javaClass: Class<*>, level: Level, clock: Clock)
  • getLogger(kClass: KClass<*>, level: Level, clock: Clock)

When no logger name is provided, the name will be determined automatically from the calling class. Otherwise, the name may be specified as a String, or as a Java Class or a Kotlin KClass, in which case the fully-qualified class name will be used.

The Level and Clock, if specified, will be provided to the LoggerFactory to be used in the instantiation of the Logger, although as noted in the description of the log-front library, not all implementations will make use of these parameters.

There is also an additional getLogger function on LoggerFactory which takes a Kotlin KClass:

    val log = loggerFactory.getLogger(ThisClass::class)

The function also allows the Level and a Clock to be specified as optional parameters:

    val log = loggerFactory.getLogger(ThisClass::class, level = Level.INFO,
            clock = Clock.fixed(Instant.now(), ZoneOffset.UTC))


This library also includes some additional functions to help with the use of the LogListener functionality of the Java library.

To test whether a LogItem is an INFO-level item with the text "Hello":

        if (logItem isInfo "Hello") {
            // whatever...

Or to test whether a LogItem is an ERROR-level item with a message starting with "File not found ":

        if (logItem isError Regex("^File not found ")) {
            // whatever...

There are, of course, isTrace, isDebug and isWarning functions in both the exact match (string) and regex forms.


The LoggerDelegate class from previous versions of the library is retained, but its use has been superseded by the getLogger() functions. It may be deprecated in future releases.

Dependency Specification

The latest version of the library is 5.3.1, and it may be obtained from the Maven Central repository.




    implementation 'net.pwall.log:log-front-kotlin:5.3.1'

Gradle (kts)


Peter Wall
