- 2
Font submission?
#139 opened by CatPieLeaf - 7
Add ability to set width to infinity
#134 opened by gregorni - 11
- 2
- 59
Font Licensing
#89 opened by LyesSaadi - 3
Missing `requires_python`
#128 opened by paul105 - 5
ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'importlib.resources' when using pyfiglet==1.0.0 and Python 3.6.10
#127 opened by paul105 - 4
- 2
better error handling of "FontNotFound"
#107 opened by mkinney - 3
How to install fonts
#104 opened by aeciobf - 2
More in-depth docs/API
#78 opened by jkob - 1
#105 opened by eggnaut - 4
Fonts with failing tests
#117 opened by stefanor - 12
No "pyfiglet.fonts" module found
#95 opened by The1TrueJoe - 4
Font 5x8 is corrupted, I fixed it!
#69 opened by jneb - 0
master branch renamed to main
#121 opened by pwaller - 3
Double merge of commits (force push used to correct)
#120 opened by pwaller - 5
Fonts without lower case are rendered as random
#68 opened by jneb - 2
Lack of spaces with some fonts
#103 opened by victorbnl - 1
Fails with "dosrebel" font.
#70 opened by EastAustin - 4
Fonts we fail to parse: reEndMarker doesn't match: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
#116 opened by stefanor - 1
Is there an ANSI version of this awesome program?
#112 opened by Emasoft - 2
Problem with standalone JupyterLab on Windows
#94 opened by miklevin - 2
setuptools missing from requirements.txt
#87 opened by leonardp - 9
Support for --color on Windows?
#73 opened by amitbora007 - 1
New line after each formatted string
#101 opened by G-us - 3
About packing as exe
#102 opened by jiananlan - 5
Migrate from pkg_resources to importlib
#113 opened by Alienrazor - 2
How to create your own figlet font?
#71 opened by Vortetty - 5
- 4
Random font and style? :-)
#47 opened by drozzy - 5
- 4
Extraneous newlines
#79 opened by aerickson - 0
- 2
Cope with compressed fonts
#63 opened by pwaller - 1
- 2
Wheel file
#66 opened by SecT0uch - 42
Alternatives to GPL-2.0 license?
#58 opened by peterbrittain - 20
- 5
More colours for output
#60 opened by synergiator - 0
- 1
kerning options
#55 opened by Mattwmaster58 - 1
pyfiglet, list fonts in python itself
#54 opened by freakyy85 - 1
Fonts with block elements
#49 opened by kostasdizas - 4
Use additionnal font
#51 opened by Almtesh - 1
How do I get the list of available fonts?
#50 opened by LoganDark - 2
Custom zipfile option does not work
#37 opened by maxpowa - 0
cyrillic is not supported
#40 opened by ildarkhasanshin - 2
- 1
Flood control
#38 opened by tonyravioli