
Proof of concept, building a has_many, through model relationship and form with Cocoon.

Primary LanguageRuby

Building a has_many, through model relationship and form with Cocoon

This example is about setting up a Recipe book. Recipes have multiple meta properties like their title, a brief description, instructions and the like. Each recipe of course needs ingredients and each ingredient needs quantities of that ingredient for the recipe. What we will be setting up is a relationship of Recipes to Ingredients through Quantities.

A recipe :has_many tags :through quantities. You can add ingredients dinamically in the recipe form. When unlinking an ingredient, it is not deleted, only the link.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Implementation in Rails 3 and 4. See branch rails 3.2.16

  • Using Cocoon gem

  • Use of Twitter bootstrap

  • Setting up models

  • Creating join relationships

  • Setting up the form code: nested form and partial

  • Voila!


git clone
cd complex_forms_wtih_cocoon
bundle install
rake db:migrate
rails s -p XXXX
visit http:/localhost:XXXX/recipes

Follow process trough commits

Template engines

  • ERB at branch master

  • SLIM at branch slim_version

  • HAML at branch haml_version
