
Bower workflow in your browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Bower workflow in your browser. This project is still under active development.

Get started

  1. npm i
  2. link cdn folder in your working directory to you web server. This folder will created when publishing component. If not, you could manually create one. e.g.:
    ln -sf  $(pwd)/cdn  /Library/WebServer/Documents  ## Apache Root on my localhost  

CLI Configurations

  • -v verbose logging
  • -o offline when running bower install. used for development only.
  • -r resolve mode. Writing version resolve to system output.
  • -s server mode. An Express server will be started to act as a dependency bundler
  • default without -o -s publish mode

-v could be used with -o or -s or solely which is default to publish mode

CLI Publish

./index.js  foundation#5.5.2  -v

CLI Resolve

./index.js  jquery#1.11.1 foundation#5.5.2  -rv  --shim  jquery#1.11.1

Run Web Serve

./index.js -sv


export port=8086 CDN_PREFIX=http://im.yourcdn.com/;  npm start

Web Publish


Web Unpublish


Web Query


in Query mode, ~ is supported


Yes! pass querystring &callback=cbname


Run Test

npm test

(For Windows, please run npm run wintest)