
A simple reverse proxy written with the go standard lib

Primary LanguageGo

SimpleReverseProxy is a basic reverse proxy server that can overwrite string patterns in the response body and serve static files. Can also modify request leaving proxy and response. This was written primarily for simulating remote systems while developing and most importantly for fun..

Run instructions

go run main.go

Run Demo

  1. Run test server (server behind proxy) go run ./test/test_server.go

  2. Start reverse proxy go run main.go --config=config.json

  3. Look at the response in the only route in test_server.go

  4. Visit http://localhost:7575/hello

  5. Notice that the response body has been modified with a find and replace specified in config.json

  6. Visit localhost:7575/static/{file-name-in-dir-test} to access static files

Run tests

go test or go test -v


  "proxy-host": "localhost:9595", // server behind proxy
  "port": ":7575", // port of proxy server
  "regex-find-replace": { 
    "a":"A", // keys are the regex pattern and values are the value that will be used to replace 
    "b":"B", // simple pattern
    "p(x*)q": "T" // more advanced regex pattern
  "static-dir-url-root": "/static", // url root of static files host by proxy
  "static-dir-root": "./test" // location of static files hosted by proxy