
ARCHIVED - See https://github.com/pwelch/dotfiles for Brewfile

Primary LanguageRuby


Resources for setting up workstation and dotfiles

This is a personal fork of the Chef Pantry Project



sudo ./bin/pantry

To perform the installation and run Chef with the default Policyfile.rb, use the -c option.

sudo ./bin/pantry -c

Installing Packages

./bin/pantry will use the Policyfile.rb to add these attributes to the node. Then update the Policyfile.lock.json and export the repository.

chef update
chef export --force zero-repo
sudo chef-client -z


Need to fix the bootstrap script. If $HOME/.chefdk is owned by root, the permissions need to be fixed or chef will not work. sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.chefdk/

Fixes for OS X 10.11