This is supposed to be a very lightweight thing. Static site generation at its minimum, basically hand written html with generated bibliography.
This site was built using
- neat.css to have very basic layout
- bibtexparser to generate html from a bibtex file.
To install bibtexparser, use pip
pip install bibtexparser
publicationtype = {nonarchival},
pdf = {},
poster = {},
slides = {},
video = {},
code = {},
reviews = {},
venuetype = {},
venueurl = {},
author = {},
title = {},
year = {},
journal = {},
volume = {},
comment = {},
publicationtype = {nonarchival},
pdf = {},
poster = {},
slides = {},
video = {},
code = {},
reviews = {},
venuetype = {},
venueurl = {},
author = {},
title = {},
year = {},
booktitle = {},
comment = {},