
my minimialistic personal website

Primary LanguageTeX

Hints for my Website

This is supposed to be a very lightweight thing. Static site generation at its minimum, basically hand written html with generated bibliography.

Requirements and build

This site was built using

To install bibtexparser, use pip

pip install bibtexparser

Template for bibtex

publicationtype = {nonarchival},
  pdf = {},
  poster = {},
  slides = {},
  video = {},
  code = {},
  reviews = {},
  venuetype = {},
  venueurl = {},
  author       = {},
  title        = {},
  year = {},
  journal = {},
  volume = {}, 
  comment = {},
publicationtype = {nonarchival},
  pdf = {},
  poster = {},
  slides = {},
  video = {},
  code = {},
  reviews = {},
  venuetype = {},
  venueurl = {},
  author       = {},
  title        = {},
  year = {},
  booktitle = {}, 
  comment = {},