
Searchable index of Cassette Beast species and moves

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cassette Beasts Explorer

Currently, this project is a searchable index of Cassette Beast species and moves. I may or may not create a more feature rich GUI for it in the future.

All of the data used in this project was sourced from the excellent Cassette Beasts wiki.


Java 17 or later is required.


Download the latest prebuilt cbe-cli.jar from the releases page.

Build from source

Checkout this project and execute the following within the project directory:

./mvnw -pl cli -am clean package

This will produce an executable jar at cli/target/cbe-cli.jar


Run the CLI by executing:

java -jar cbe-cli.jar

From there, you can execute queries against the index. Use exit or quit to terminate the CLI, and help to display useful info about the indices.

Note: I strongly recommend using rlwrap, which will allow you to use the up arrow key to edit previous queries. To do this, start the CLI like: rlwrap java -jar cbe-cli.jar

Query Examples

The data is indexed using Lucene, and queries must be written using Lucene's query syntax. Refer to the Lucene documentation for details.


Filter species by attributes

Query: matk:[161 TO *] AND spd:[161 TO *] AND bootleg:false

Matches: 5

 #003 Ripterra [Beast]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 120 |    200 |    100 |     90 |    120 |   170 |   800
 #033 Tokusect [Air]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 120 |    170 |    120 |    100 |    120 |   170 |   800
 #051 Thwackalope [Air]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 110 |    180 |    110 |    110 |    110 |   180 |   800
 #090 Beanstalker [Plant]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 140 |    185 |    110 |    100 |    100 |   165 |   800
 #107 Cryoshear [Ice]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 150 |    180 |     90 |     90 |     90 |   200 |   800

Filter species by compatible moves

Query: compatible_move:(+bite +"trap jaw" +"stab in the dark" +("deja vu" "two heads") +(broadcast echolocation)) AND remaster_to:none AND bootleg:false

Matches: 1

 #111 Shining Kuneko [Astral]
  HP | M. Atk | M. Def | R. Atk | R. Def | Speed | Total
 140 |    140 |    140 |    140 |    140 |   140 |   840


Filter moves by species

Query: compatible_species:beanstalker AND move_cat:melee AND cost:2

Matches: 4

 Silicon Slash [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
     Glass |    2 |    60 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Toy Hammer [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
   Plastic |    2 |    60 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Double Smack [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target multiple times.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
  Typeless |    2 |    30 |     2 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Wallop [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
  Typeless |    2 |    60 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single

Filter for moves that are unique to a bootleg

Query: compatible_bootleg:"beanstalker lightning" AND NOT compatible_species:beanstalker

Matches: 10

 Lightning Bolt [Ranged Attack]
 Hits one target.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    3 |    90 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Thunder Blast [Ranged Attack]
 Hits one target. The target is hit by an additional 30 Air-type damage.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    3 |    60 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Lightning Wall [Status Effect]
 Sacrifice 20% of HP to create a wall that will absorb up to 3 hits for up to 3
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    2 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Single
 Status Effects: Lightning Wall [Buff]
 Charge [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    2 |    60 |     1 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Unicast [Status Effect]
 Gives the target Unitarget status for 3 turn(s).
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    2 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Single
 Status Effects: Unitarget [Debuff]
 Lightning Coating [Status Effect]
 Changes the type of the user or an ally.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    2 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Single Ally
 Status Effects: Lightning Coating [Transmutation]
 Broadcast [Status Effect]
 Gives the user Multitarget status for 3 turn(s).
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
       Air |    2 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Self
 Status Effects: Multitarget [Buff]
 Magnet [Automated, Status Effect]
 Used automatically at the start of battle for 0 AP. Prevents opponents
 targeting user’s allies for 3 turn(s).
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
     Metal |    1 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Self
 Status Effects: Intercepting [Buff]
 Battery [Melee Attack]
 Hits one target twice. Lands critical hits if used after Charge.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    3 |    40 |     2 |         100 |        0 | Single
 Grounded [Passive, Misc]
 Passively reduces incoming Lightning-type damage by 50%, and negates any
 reactions that would occur. Does not affect critical hits.
      Type | Cost | Power |  Hits |    Accuracy | Priority | Target
 Lightning |    0 |       |       |         100 |        0 | Self



Index name Description
species_num The species' number, formatted as an int
species_name The name of the species
species_type The type of the species
bootleg Indicates if the species is a bootleg: true or false
hp The base HP attribute value
matk The base melee attack attribute value
mdef The base melee defense attribute value
ratk The base ranged attack attribute value
rdef The base ranged defense attribute value
spd The base speed attribute value
attr_sum The sum of all of the base attribute values
ap The number of available AP
slots The number of available move slots
compatible_move The name of a move that is compatible with the species
remaster_from The name of the prior form of the species, or none.
remaster_to The name of the species this species may be remastered into, or none.


Index name Description
move_name The name of the move
move_desc The description of the move
move_type The elemental type of the move
move_cat The category of the move: melee attack, ranged attack, status effect, misc, active, passive, automated
power The moves base damage
min_hits The minimum number of hits the move can make
max_hits The maximum number of hits the move can make
avoidable Whether the move is avoidable: true or false
accuracy The percentage chance to hit, only if the move is avoidable
cost The number of AP the move costs
target Who the move affects: single, team, self, single ally, all, all except self
copyable Whether the move is copyable: true or false
priority The numeric move priority value. 0 is normal. Greater than 0 is higher priority, and less is lower.
status_effect The name of the status effect the move causes. See https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/Status_Effects
status_effect_kind The kind of the status effect: buff, debuff, transmutation, misc
compatible_species The name of a species that is compatible with the move
compatible_bootleg The name of a bootleg species that is compatible with the move. Values are the species name followed by the bootleg type. For example: Thwackalope Astral