Seizure Detection Codebase used in Neureka Challenge 2020
This repository contains the code of the Biomed Irregulars submission to the Neureka Challenge 2020. The Biomed irregulars team consists of PhD students from the the ESAT-STADIUS research group at KU Leuven: C. Chatzichristos, J. Dan, A.M. Narayanan, N. Seeuws, K. Vandecasteele.
The seizure detection algorithm is based on the fusion of multiple attention U-nets, each operating on a distinct view of the EEG data. The outputs of the different U-nets are fused by an LSTM network. More information about the methods and results can be found in the preliminary version of the paper neureka_ieee_spmb.pdf.
- This folder contains the general functions used accross modules: data loading, re-referencing, resampling and
- Contains the code to train the Wiener filters, U-nets and LSTM models.evaluate/
- Contains the code to run the seizure detection pipeline on unlabelled data.
The codebase uses a mix of Python 3 and Matlab.
The dataset used is the TUH EEG Seizure dataset.
Matlab requires the EEGlab toolbox.
Python requires the libraries listed in python_requirements.txt.
While the intent of the code is to allow deceminatation and re-use of our pipeline and model architecture. We realize the code is not click & run and documentation is sometimes lacking. We do invite you to contact us through email or as a github issue to improve quality and understanding of the code.
The code is release under the GNU GPLv3 license.