
Unofficial Kali Documentation Project

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Unofficial Kali Documentation Project

KALI LINUX ™ is a trademark of Offensive Security.

Live Online Copy:

You can find a copy of the project online at: http://kali.pwnwiki.io

Offline Use:

  1. Clone the repository or pull the archive (download zip) of the repo
  2. Open index.html
  3. Most modern browsers don't allow the access of local files from a locally loaded HTML file. On Windows you can use Mongoose Tiny or HFS to host the files locally. On OSX and Linux python -m SimpleHTTPServer seems to work just fine.

Submitting Content

We want/need your help! Please contribute to this project is via GitHub (https://github.com/pwnwiki/kaliwiki). That allows us to get your project-ready content incorporated into the wiki fast.


If you would like to become a curator, please contact mubix@hak5.org

gimmick:ForkMeOnGitHub ({ color: 'red', position: 'right' })