You need node >= 18 and PHP >= 8.1
You'll also need npm and composer installed in advance.
For this example I set up a Vue application and Drupal and connected them together.
I installed using npm:
npm create vuetify
This is the official scaffolding tool for Vuetify.
I created a new codebase using composer:
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project mydrupal
This is the offical Drupal scaffold for new projects.
To set up the demo, go into the project and install npm deps:
cd demo-vuetify-drupal
npm ci
Open a second terminal tab and go into the Drupal subdir and do a composer install:
cd demo-vuetify-drupal/mydrupal/
composer install
If that went well, install Drupal with drush from the web dir:
cd web
../vendor/bin/drush site:install --account-pass=demo mydrupal
Now you can run a php local webserver:
php -S localhost:8888 .ht.router.php
You can log in to Drupal at http://localhost:8888
Go back to the first terminal and start the dev server:
npm run dev
Navigate to the page: http://localhost:3000/