Getting Started

Installing dependencies

  1. Install node.js v8.11.1 or greater
  2. Open the commandline and navigate to this directory
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies found in packages.json

Running the project locally

  1. Open the commandline and navigate to this directory
  2. Run au run to run the server. Add --watch to watch the local filesystem for changes and to update the running project as changes are made
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/ to see the homepage

Generating the API Client for Aurelia using TypeScript

  1. Install nswag using npm by running npm install -g nswag from the commandline. If you have already ran npm install, then this should have been installed for you
  2. Install the .NET Core Runtime v2.0.7
  3. Run the api server locally from the oureasyregistry-backend repository
  4. Run the following command in the commandline nswag swagger2tsclient /input:http://localhost:9001/swagger.json /output:src/resources/client.ts /template:aurelia /runtime:NetCore20 to generate the API client from the Swagger specification