Versatile GUI for ROV operator

Primary LanguagePython


A versatile GUI for operating the autonomous ROV4 underwater vehicle.


  1. Install nodejs:

    Win (with choco): choco install nodejs
    Other (with nvm): instructions for different platforms

    Check nodejs version (should be at least 12.16.2):
    nodejs --version

  2. Clone the repository and create a branch for yourself.

  3. Create a venv inside the server (cd server) folder:

    Win: py -m venv venv
    Linux: python3 -m venv venv

    Then activate the venv:
    Win: venv\Scripts\activate
    Linux: source venv/bin/activate

    And install the required packages inside:
    (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Change IP_ADRESS in definitions.py to your dev machine ip adress, example:
    IP_ADRESS = ''

  5. Exit venv (deactivate), get back to root (cd ../) and run start.py which will:

    • check all node_modules and python packages and install them if need be
    • run the node client server, Xavier server and the main server

Running the app

  • You can run both client and server by running:

  • Run just the node server client frontend:

  • Run the Xavier serve and the main server backend: