- 3
- 3
Issue with JSON/list parsing in certain cases
#50 opened by frikky - 4
- 6
Reverse not implemented correctly
#45 opened by DavidtheGoliath - 3
- 4
Type checking strictness
#40 opened by pandvan - 5
Add markdownify
#36 opened by victorbnl - 3
Issues around using Wild mode
#38 opened by frikky - 9
Library loading is slow
#34 opened by frikky - 2
- 9
liquidpy is unsafe against malicious input
#22 opened by kerrick-lyft - 6
Compatibility with `Liquid`
#21 opened by kerrick-lyft - 1
Add related section in documentation
#23 opened by pwwang - 1
Implementation of code injection awareness
#24 opened by pwwang - 1
- 1
Add tests for unsafe nodes
#26 opened by pwwang - 5
How to integrate liquidpy to django framework
#27 opened by futuri - 3
Variable cannot be passed to included file
#8 opened by Ircama - 5
register_tag functionality?
#18 opened by savraj - 3
Ability to add a path for includes
#19 opened by savraj - 2
Does it support "random" function? How to use?
#17 opened by lxsyz - 1
from_file=True doesn't work
#15 opened by XinSong - 5
Ruby vs Python split methods
#16 opened by kennes913 - 1
[Proposal] Add ternary end modifier
#13 opened by pwwang - 0
Extending ternary filters
#11 opened by pwwang - 2
- 0
forloop problem with nesting for statements
#7 opened by pwwang - 0
cycle for for loop
#5 opened by pwwang - 0
Implement inclusion/extension
#3 opened by pwwang - 0
Add tests for inclusion/extension
#4 opened by pwwang - 4
multi-line expressions don't evaluate
#1 opened by kennes913 - 1
support for Liquid forloop object
#2 opened by jfelectron