
An application framework built on Cinder

Primary LanguageC

DS Cinder

DS Cinder is a framework for interactive applications built on top of the fantastic Cinder framework. DS Cinder provides conveniences for getting graphics onscreen; loading data from a sqlite database; displaying PDFs, videos and web pages; providing touch interaction; and loading settings. The DS version also provides the ability to syncronize multiple clients to display the same graphics, as well as conveniences for touch handling.

DS Cinder - Transition to Cinder 0.9

Lots of things have changed in both Cinder & openGL since Cinder 0.8.4 and 0.8.6. The documentation has some useful pages for explaining what has changed which can be found (Here) and (Here).

  • Major changes
    • Cinder moved to GLM for Vectors and Matricies (ci::Vec3f => ci::vec3). That also means that instead of writing MyVec.normalize() it would be MyVec = normalize(MyVec), which matches the glsl conventions.
    • Instead of using ci::gl::Texture et. al. the new convention is to use ci::gl::TextureRef, which is a shared pointer to the texture.
    • Many openGL functions have been depricated or removed with the removal of "Immediate Mode" rendering. Cinder provides some replication of the old functionality,but things like ALPHA_TEST, will need to be replaced with equivalent shader(s).
    • Things like ds::SaveCamera & ds::SaveViewport can be replaced with Cinders new ci::Scoped* group of classes, which follow the same RAII structre.
    • Cinder now has a set of default shaders that can replace the old default "Immediate Mode", as well as ones that can do simple 3d lighting.
  • Check out the updating guides in the 'doc' folder of this repo for instructions on how to update your repo.
  • As of this writing, if you still need 0.8.6 support, you can use the master branch or the 103.0.0 tags or below

DS Cinder Version 103.0.0

  • Add CEF for web display (Chromium Embedded Framework)
  • Add an extended keyboard
  • Drawing canvas for using touch input to draw
  • Lots of incremental changes and fixes

DS Cinder Version 102.0.0

  • Parallel image loading
  • New Layout system and xml sprite loading (See Dynamic Interfaces.md in docs)
  • Expanded XML-importing system to allow events, recursive loading, interactivity, and more
  • New scritable animation system for easy cascading animations
  • Improvements to synchronized video playback
  • Removed many exception throws to minimize random crashes
  • 360 degree panoramic video playback
  • Ability to specify string-labelled colors
  • Latest GStreamer support 1.8.2
  • Various fixes and improvements

DS Cinder Version 101.0.0

The latest and greatest. Rough changes since the first tagged release (100.0.0):

  • GStreamer video performance improvements. Now uses a shader for colorspace conversion when possible.
  • Add some helper classes for scrolling lists and scroll areas.
  • Fixes for perspective mode (touch picking, sprite drawing, etc)
  • PDF framework updated
  • Some actual documentation! http://update.downstreamdev.com/ds/doc/ds_cinder/
  • Added some helpful examples for testing media (media_tester and simple_video_player)
  • Added a utility to generate data model classes from a YML file
  • Better handling for web errors and callbacks
  • Various fixes and improvements


!! For Cinder 0.9, add the environment variable CINDER_090 and point it to the unziped 0.90 cinder distribution folder !! This version of DS Cinder requires Visual Studio 2013 installed.

  • You'll need some environment variables set:
    • CINDER_090 points to the unzipped 0.9.0 cinder distribution folder (Version 0.9.0 for VC 2013).

    • DS_PLATFORM_090 points to the root of this repository.

Use the project generator to create a new project. This will make a copy of the "full_starter" example project, which contains all the projects you'll need to get started (PDF, Video, etc) and a bare-bones app structure.

Troubleshooting installation

  • If you get errors for xaudio.h: install [latest DirectX SDK][2]
  • If you get errors of missing Boost cstdint headers: make sure your cinder distribution does include Boost! Be sure to use the download on the cinder home page, and not a release from the cinder github.
  • If you get LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt': Install latest update for your Visual Studio!
  • SerialRunnable: You may need to pass an alloc function when initializing a SerialRunnbale.
  • boost::mutex to std::mutex. In most cases for threading, the boost versions are supplanted with the STL version. Check stack overflow / google, there's plenty of upgrade examples
  • Not defineds: Many STL elements now need to have includes, most commonly <memory>, <cctype> and <sstring>.
  • KeyEvent Not Defined: Since the removal of using namespace ci::* from ds_cinder files, you'll need to make sure everything is namespaced properly.
  • Be sure you have the correct environment variables. Clean the solution. Restart visual studio and/or your machine

Property sheets

We are using Visual Studio property sheets to manage basic settings like libraries and include paths. The property sheets are located in ds_cinder/vs2013/PropertySheets, PlatformSetup.props (release config) and PlatformSetup_d.props (debug config). What this means is that in the future, all include paths, libraries, and library include paths should be added to these property sheets, so that apps will inherit any changes. All of these values are specified in the property sheets Common Properties->User Macros page.

  1. Open the Property Manager (View -> Property Manager).
  2. For each project, in the Debug config add PlatformSetup_d.props and in release add PlatformSetup.props (in both cases, right 3. click the config and select Add Existing Property Sheet...).
  3. In C/C++ -> General set Additional Include Directories to $(platform_include_d)" (in debug) or "$(platform_include) (in release)
  4. In Linker -> General set Additional Library Directories to $(platform_lib_include_d);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) (in debug) or $(platform_lib_include);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) (in release)
  5. In Linker -> Input set Additional Dependencies to $(platform_lib_d);%(AdditionalDependencies) (in debug) or $(platform_lib);%(AdditionalDependencies) (in release)
  6. In Linker -> Input set Ignore Specific to $(platform_lib_ignore_d) (in debug) or $(platform_lib_ignore) (in release)

To compile with GSTREAMER

Install Gstreamer 1.8.2 or newer runtime and development files. Use the x86 or x64 versions, depending on which architecture you're targetting. Select "complete" when installing. These installers should create an environment variable for GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86 which points to the root gstreamer directory, typically at c:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/